Here Are 5 Yoga Poses for Tight Hamstrings
Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose
Lie down on the ground with your legs outstretched. Hug one knee to your chest while maintaining both hip corners planted and level. Wrap a yoga strap over the ball of your foot with both hands, gripping each end of the strap, or hook your big toe with your middle and index fingers.
Extend your leg and body toward the ceiling by pressing through the ball of your foot as you make the shift, ground and center your shoulders and hips. Switch sides after taking 5-7 breaths and releasing gently.
Intense Side Stretch Pose
Stand 3-4 feet apart with your feet aligned heel to heel. Turn your rear foot out to a 30–45-degree angle and point your front foot straight ahead. Fold forward with your knees bent, hinging at your hips, and rest your hands on blocks on each side of your front foot to create extra room in your pelvis and hamstrings.
Square your hips to the mat's front corners and lengthen your body on all sides. Extend your legs gradually straight without affecting your hips' posture in space. Root down through the big toe mound of your front foot with the outer edge of your rear foot. Switch sides after 5-7 breaths.
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
Stand with feet 3-4 feet apart and parallel. Put your hands on the blocks or the ground just below your shoulders. To deepen the hamstring stretch, bend your elbows and walk your arms between your feet.
Intensify the fold from your hips, not your spine. Root deeply into your feet, engage your quadriceps, stabilize your core, and lengthen your spine. After 5-7 deep breaths, reverse your steps up to stand and break the stance.
Half Splits
Begin with a runner's lunge, left leg forward, arms on the blocks on each side of the leg. Hips stack over the right leg. Extend your left leg and flex your ankle, so your toes touch your shin.
Square your hips and have a long spine; bend at the hips and fold forward to intensify the hamstring stretch. Keep your legs neutral (not rotated) to avoid twisting your hips. Close your eyes and exhale. Swap sides.
Triangle Pose
Face along the edge of the mat parallel to your feet. Spin your left foot in and toes out until your left foot is parallel to the mat's long edge. Fold laterally over your left leg and hinge deeply in your left hip.
Right arm on a block outside right foot, left hand exactly above and in line with left shoulder Keep a lengthy spine from the base to the crown. Spiral your left torso away from the floor. Firmly root left big toe mound as you raise the inner arch. To gain stability, engage your quadriceps and core. Close your eyes and exhale. Swap sides.
A tight hamstring can be a major problem for most people. When put into practice, these yoga poses will go a long way in helping you have a flexible hamstring.