• Nov,04, 2024

Beginner Yoga Poses - Hot Yoga Studio.net

Seated Forward Fold Pose

Seated Forward Fold Pose

This pose is a great way to stretch your hamstrings, which are the muscles in the back of your thighs. It also stretches and strengthens your lower back while improving flexibility in some other areas like your hips. The Seated Forward Bend is perfect for stretching out any tension left after holding seated poses or standing hot yoga asanas for some time during class.

Bridge Pose

This is one hot yoga asana where it definitely pays off to hold the pose for a longer time. The Bridge Pose stretches and strengthens your back, chest, and neck muscles while improving flexibility in your spine. It is a great pose to do after the Downward Dog Pose or any other seated pose.

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Downward Facing Dog Pose

This pose is a classic for a reason – it stretches out nearly every muscle in your body. It's especially great for improving your flexibility and relieving stress. Downward Dog is a great pose to do at the beginning of class or after you've held other poses for some time. It will help stretch your muscles and get them warmed up so that they are more flexible when doing other poses later in class.

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