You can choose from several classes, but it will need trial and error as you may not be able to make some moves or poses because of your growing belly. Read on as we unveil different ways to make your yoga practice comfortable and effective.
Modifications for practicing yoga while pregnant
Use props and give the baby space
As your belly keeps growing, your center of gravity keeps shifting. This shift will result in varying in your feeling of balance. It is, therefore, necessary that you use props for your yoga practice. For example, place your mat or anything substantial against the wall to help with the balance.
You could also use extra supports like folded-up yoga blankets or blocks. In tree pose, for example, instead of moving your foot closer to your groin, consider maintaining it on your shin or even just touching the ground.
Avoid laying on your chest or belly
This should be taken seriously, especially after the first trimester. Laying on your belly will be squeezing the baby, and this done regularly will affect its growth. However, some women may not have a problem with this depending on how their body expands. But it is important that as you practice yoga, move the side of your body or shift to modifying postures on your knees and hands.
Avoid deep twists
When it comes to twists while pregnant, you can do some of them, but not all. Deep twists that span your body, compress your centerline, and "shut" off your stomach or chest region are not recommended since they reduce circulation.
You can, however, do inside bends. These stretch your side waist muscles and low back. You can also practice a mini-twist that will keep your stomach and heart open as long as it feels good for your body.
Lie on your side instead of your back
When lying on your back, you risk compressing the inferior vena cava, and this would make you feel thrilling distress. The vena cava is the vein that brings blood to your heart from the lower body. It is situated on the right side of your body, and therefore you could opt to lay to your left or use props to position your body in a slight incline.
To make this posture more comforting and soothing, place a block, blanket, bolster or pillow between your knees and lay your hand on a cushion or folded blanket.
Choose a spot with proper airflow
Arrive early at the studio if you're doing your yoga there, and take your position near the door. This will give you access to a bit more breeze throughout the class. It is important to do this because your body is not regulating your temperature normally.
Yoga for pregnant women is very important since it reduces anxiety and stress. It also increases their flexibility and makes their pain during childbirth more bearable.